Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nerd Word(s) of the Week : It's Morphin' Time

"It's Morphin' Time!"

   It's Morphin' Time - noun. The act of Morphing into Your Costumed Appearance as a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. The Costumed Appearance enhances abilities such as; speed, strength, stamina, and durability. 

 The origin of the phrase came from the 1993 series of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The synopsis of the show centered around a group of teens with noble characteristics, banded together by a Wizard that has engaged in an Epic War with Intergalactic Witch, Rita Repulsa, to form an elite team of Universal Police Rangers with suits that enhance their human abilities, and technology beyond human advances, to help battle Rita Repulsa and the forces of Evil throughout the Universe.

 Each Morpher contained a "power coin", that had a depiction of each Ranger's Dinosaur, Animal, or Other Subjects, in which the Morpher and Ranger's power derived from.


   The Rangers usually wore their Morphers on their belt buckles, placed behind them, face in, where the public would not notice them, because they were swore to secrecy about their identities of being Power Rangers. 

 The Rangers only called upon their Morphers when it seemed as though they were struggling in battle against  an overwhelming amount of the Putty Patrol or a strengthened Enemy such as Goldar. To initiate the Morphers, the individual would hold up their Morpher, and exclaim their Source Power Subject, such as, "Mastodon!!!" And in an instant, be transformed in their costumed appearance, ready for battle.

 Now the term is used among a generation that was under it's influence, as the Power Rangers became a cultural impact, as a term that is used to state or hype up someone's Psychological State.

    To say, "It's Morphin' Time", is in the same vain as, "Alright, Let's Get To It!"

It's a statement of empowerment, and may improve work ethic, positivity, or hyping morale of an individual or team.

    "May the Power Protect You" - Zordon

   And May we all, from time to time, state in excitement, "It's Morphin' Time", to help push ourselves and others along, hopefully on the right path.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nerd Word(s) of the Week : The AC Slater

The AC Slater

  The AC Slater - noun. or  adverb. The act or sitting position with the chair's back positioned in front of the occupier as support for the forearms.

   The calm, cool, and collected AC Slater oozed swagger. He was the star athlete of Bayside High School, was going out with the school president, and was best friends with the coolest people in Bayside. There was nothing that could actually make AC Slater insecure.

Oh, I didn't see you there, in the place where we eat all the time, I was just exercising...

    Sure Jessie had to keep him in check, they were known for arguing all the time, but that didn't make AC second guess himself on anything. With confidence like that, comes a honest effort into creating "somewhat" original Swagger. However, I could be mistaking Swagger for Laziness. No matter the means, it's stapled into the minds of the our Generation as an improper way to sit, noticeably. It is also sitting position when an older person tries to have a serious conversation with a person of younger age, it is used in the mean of presenting oneself as relax and open minded. Whatever the reason, The AC Slater is a comfortable sitting arrangement, whether for leisure, psychological value, or in protest to the surrounding environment.

  AC Slater had to stand out, someway, somehow, even when sitting.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Nerd Word of the Week : Flux Capacitor

Flux Capacitor

Flux Capacitor - noun. - The very thing that "makes time travel possible".

   Seated between the headrests in the DeLorean DMC-12 in a film triology of epic epicness called :
"Back to the Future". According to Doctor Emmett Brown, on November 5, 1955, the idea of the flux capacitor was conceived after a blow to the head. "Doc" had been hanging a clock in his bathroom, when he slipped and hit his head on the sink.

      30 years of his life, Dr. Brown committed to his work for the Flux Capacitor. Although, we do not have much of an explanation of how it works, we do know that it works, and only works because of the make of the DeLorean DMC-12. The stainless steal body of the DeLorean helps the "flux dispersal" according to the "Doc" in the film. 

     The Flux Capacitor requires 1.21 gigawatts of electrical power. Once paired up with the DeLorean hitting the speed of 88mph, you have yourself a time traveling cocktail. Feel free to travel to the past or future, but be cautioned and aware of recent time traveling activity, "Doc" has stated that a paradox, in time travel, could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe!"

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Jackyl Goes To Town

          It's that time again.  I know that I have just recently helped lay some of the ground work here at SbC.  I just want to let the readers know that I have to announce a temporary hiatus of sorts.  Duty calls and I must answer their moist mouth.  If you can find my page on Facebook then you can express any queries you might have.  I may be out of commission for a month.  I am currently working on several topics at the moment and when I return I will gladly express my rage to all of you who are slowly earning your spot on the grand stage.  Best of luck to Derk and Mr. Browning.  That is all.
 The Jackyl